Optimize your ability to make good decisions
Many peope can recognize the problem of having to make a decision and not knowing what to do. Sometimes you even get anxiety from having to decide about different things in life.
I think this has become more and more of a problem for many people. We have the opportunity to make decisions about different things all the time and at the same time we have high standards on making the right decisions. Since the psyche likes balance as I have said before, the race of doing the perfect thng all the time can become an anxiety factor.
The worry of deciding the wrong thing can apply to many things in life. May be you worry about that you partner is not the right one for you and that you are wasting your time, may be you worry that you are studying the wrong thing but you don´t know what the alternative would be, The anxiety of not knowing what to decide can eventually lead to the fact that you feel depressed and helpless.
As I have written in my eralier articles, once you have a bad feeling about somethin it is common that you act in a way that eventually reinforces your bad feeling. It is common when you don´t know what to decide, that you try to think more in order to reach the right feeling. Often this leads to more feelings of helplessness.
I see in my work with patients that often when you want to make perfect decision you get this problem. Since the psyche likes balance it does not like when you give signals that there only is one right decision and if you take the wrong decision there will be a catastrophe.
My suggestion is that you ask yourself the following:
– How satisfied are you with other areas in life other than the one you have anxiety about?
– How good are you in general of taking care of your needs?
– Do you have high standards on yourself in general? Do you often have needs of making the perfect decision?
– Do you have reasonable expectations both on yourself and on those who are close to you?
– Have you earlier had problems deciding what to do concerning this subject?
– Analyze if you have had this kind of situation bfore in your life and what how you dealt with it then in order to see if there is a pattern?
To be continued…
Cognitive Behavior Psychologist Monica Emanell