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Three forms of entitlement- Impulsivity



Some people with narcissism have problems in controling their impulses. They act on their impulses without thinking about consequenses (read more in Reinventing your life, Jeffrey Young). These people have a hadr time dealing with things they find boring and when discipline is required. They postpone things they have to do and when they finally do them it is often in a passive aggressive way (it´s when you do things while you are angry and often you don´t do them in the right way so your aggression comes out in a diffuse not straightforward way). Sometimes it is hard endure even if they are interested in what they do. People with this kind of narcissism often abuse alcohol, food, drugs, gambling, sex or something else. I want to point out that in order to be narcissism it´s not only the abuse present, it´s together with the lack of control and impulsivity. Often people with this kind of narcissism have problems controlling their emotions mostly anger. Often the anger is expressed in an immature way, like you see in a child that is angry. They feel entitled to express their anger and they don´t care how it affects other people. They almost never seek therapy themselves since they don´t think they have a problem but often their partner get exhaustedand seek therapy. They can see that they have to change things only if something emotionally devastating happens; they lose important jobs, they are on the verge of being left by their partners after 15 years of marriage etc.

Cognitive Behavior Psychologist Monica Emanell


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