Worry, anxiety and self-esteem
Worrying all the time about different things can be very draining. The consequences can be that you have a hard time:
– Enjoying small things in life
– Finding energy to see friends
– Enjoying a relationship
– Doing your job properly
– Making choices
Worrying is both time consuming and energy draining. It easily leeads to vicious circles. So if you you worry that all kinds of worst case scenario will happen to you, it is also common that you start thinking that your worry is good, because it prepares you emotionally for bad things. You might also develop thoughts that your worrying might magically stop bad things from happening.
The poing is that it is common that you fall into a vicious circle of worry thoughts and dysfunctional ways to handle these thoughts which often make you feel even more drained and helpless.
Cognitive Behavior Psychologist Monica Emanell