Worry, anxiety and self-esteem
The reason why I mention self-esteem when I write about worry and anxiety is that I think that many problems we have are connected to low self-esteem. When you have low self-esteem, you treat yourself badly in some way which makes your psyche feel bad and you get different kind of symptoms. The way I see it, it doesn´t matter if you get problems with ruminating thoughts or if you get and eating disorder, those are symptoms that come from the fact that you don´t have show respect towards your needs.
Now I will focus on describing how the viscious circle of worrying makes you feel more and more helpless once you fall into it.
To be continued…
Cognitive Behavior Psychologist Monica Emanell
Worry, anxiety and self-esteem
The reason why I mention self-esteem when I write about worry and anxiety is that I think that many problems we have are connected to low self-esteem. When you have low self-esteem, you treat yourself badly in some way which makes your psyche feel bad and you get different kind of symptoms. The way I see it, it doesn´t matter if you get problems with ruminating thoughts or if you get and eating disorder, those are symptoms that come from the fact that you don´t have show respect towards your needs.
Now I will focus on describing how the viscious circle of worrying makes you feel more and more helpless once you fall into it.
To be continued…
Cognitive Behavior Psychologist Monica Emanell